The history of SG started 20, the story of SEG Automotive 5 years ago in Hungary
In the year 2023, our company has reached a milestone. 20 years ago, in 2003, the history of the SG (starter-generator) business in Hungary began. 20 years later, a team of a handful colleagues have grown into one of the region's leading employers, providing a secure and family-friendly workplace for its employees. Read the full Hungarian story here.
In addition, in 2023 we celebrated the 5th anniversary of our parent company, the global automotive supplier SEG Automotive and its Hungarian subsidiary S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft. We also celebrated the 5th anniversary of our logistics centre, which we opened in 2018, also on the border of Szirmabesenyő and Miskolc.

The beginning
In 2016, the carve-out process started. In 2018, the former SG business officially became a new, independent company under the name of SEG Automotive. The Hungarian site continued to operate under the name of Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft. (S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft.), but still at its former site.
In 2018, we also opened a new logistics warehouse, one of the largest contiguous warehouses in the region.