Motor for
S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft. is dedicated to environmental protection and sustainable development.
We strive to minimize any negative impact of our production - and maximize our positive influence on the local communities. This includes constantly reviewing and improving our environmental protection measures.
Our actions and results:
- We cover a large share of our energy needs with our own solar park, greatly decreasing our carbon dioxide emissions.
- Paperless production is within reach for us.
- We operate an Environmental Management System according to the ISO 14001 standard.
- We conduct selective waste collection both in the offices and on the production lines.
- Through free bus transfers from our location in Szirmabesenyő to downtown Miskolc and surrounding locations, we provide the opportunity for all our employees to get to work easily without using their own vehicle.
- We collect used cooking oil, from our canteen and from private households of our employees for recycling and with that increase the environmental awareness of our employees and their families.
- In our canteen our colleagues can buy as big or as small portions as they want to avoid food waste – and, of course, we use glasses instead of paper or plastic cups.
- With water dispensers in the offices providing an opportunity for everyone to use their own water bottles, we prevent the wasteful use of PET bottles.

Corporate Social

We are committed to take responsibility for our company's effects on environmental and social wellbeing and identify ourselves as reliable and social employer. We feel responsible towards the community and environment of the region the company operates in and therefore we are commited to:
- contribute to educational, cultural, social programs
- support the development of the health system, and take care of the health of our employees
- reduce waste and pollution
- support fight against poverty
Our aim is to create and maintain a liveable working and living environment for our employees and the regional community.
Examples of contributions:
- Donations are made and/or organized regularly (e.g. Christmas, school start) to aid local families; we support various organisations (Life Saving, Supersum Foundation, animal homes), organize blood donations and voluntary work.
- We cooperate with the Miskolc University, donated laptops to schools and support educational programmes related to robotics and innovations.
- The company supports the region with the so-called TAO (company tax) and diverts back the highest amount possible to the region. The company became diamond supporter of the city in 2020, and also contributed greatly to the development of the Selyemrét Swimming Pool in 2019.
- We supported the window change of the Nagybarca Children Home to make the living conditions of children with special needs better.