In addition to our product portfolio and development centre, our local company can offer a wide range of services to our partners and customers.
Miskolc is an industrial centre with good international access. The city is historically strong in heavy industry: machinery, iron and steel production. Infrastructure is well-developed, green energy is also available. Miskolc possesses strong technical education, the university is one of the top engineering ones in Eastern Europe – ensuring long-term strongly qualified employees.
All following services are open to negotiatons, and extra services are available according to individual agreements. Services can be tailor-made, we are flexible to come to a common fruitful collaboration.
For inquiries please contact us by using e-mail address.

Human Resource
In case you lack workforce either because of professional or language / local knowledge we can be at your assistance, too. We can also ensure the necessary labor in order to operate the hired service or function, we offer you technical and administrative skills and know-how. We can even assist you with setting up a company, or with administrative procedures for activities requiring a license or even supply chain management – if you rent production or logistic space from us. In case you have any other special requests or requirements – just ask, we are more then happy to get back to you with our answers and solutions.